Enable a larger Dock Icon size than default
Through the system preferences you can adjust the size of the Dock icons. Unfortunately, you can’t go larger than 256 pixels. With the following command you can change the size in different sizes....
View ArticleDisplay the file extensions in Finder
File extensions (.jpg, .txt, .pdf, etc) are normally hidden by default in OS X. You can either set all extensions to be displayed through the following command: defaults write NSGlobalDomain...
View ArticleFix for not working Exposè/Mission Control
Using the the F3-key should normally activate Exposè/Mission Control. In some circumstances nothing happens when you hit the F3-key or the four finger up gesture. To solve this problem apply the...
View ArticleReset OS X/macOS Dock to default settings
There is a Terminal command that you can use to quickly make your dock look like new again. Do you experience problems with the Dock on your Mac? The best you can do is to reset it to default settings....
View ArticleStop the power button from putting your Mac in stand-by (sleep) mode
Since OS X 10.9 mavericks, the behavior of the power button has been changed. When you press the power button for about 2 seconds, it will put macOS (OS X) in stand-by (sleep) mode. With the following...
View ArticleEnable the expand save panel by default
Sometimes it can happen when saving a document that you have to click first on the triangle next to the Location field to open the expanded save window. This can be very confusing, with the following...
View ArticleSpeed up Time Machine backups
Time Machine backups are great, but very slow when a large amount of data/files needs to be transferred (such as the initial back-up). As desgined by Apple the Time Machine background proces is running...
View ArticleShow one application at a time
In macOS and OS X it’s possible to show one application at a time. You can enable a ‘single application’ mode by entering the following command in Terminal: defaults write com.apple.dock single-app...
View ArticleAdding ‘Quit’ option to Finder on a Mac
Did you know you can add the Quit option to the Finder’s application menu? This allows you to easily quit the application. After quitting you can restart Finder by clicking on the Finder icon in the...
View ArticleStop Photos from opening automatically on your Mac
Nothing is more annoying that Photos will opens automatically when you connect an iPhone, iPad or other devices to your Mac. Use the following command in Terminal to change this and prevent Photos from...
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